Synopses & Reviews
Where should we go this weekend? Like most Portland hikers, you want to go outside year-round, rain or shine. But most guidebooks tantalize you with places you can only access a few months a year. PDX Hiking 365 breaks through the fog to provide you fantastic hikes all year long, from January to December. Organized by month, 365 gives you ten great hikes for each month of the year, from New Year's Day to New Year's Eve. With PDX Hiking 365, you should be able to explore year-round for years to come.
About the Author
Matt Reeder discovered his love of the outdoors at a young age and spent much of his childhood hiking and camping in the mountains east of Salem. Although he moved to Illinois when he was in high school, Oregon’s scenic beauty stayed with him, eventually prompting him to move back to Oregon at age 24. He has spent the past four years hiking, camping, researching and writing Off the Beaten Trail, his first hiking guide.
He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Wendy. When not out on the trail, Matt spends his time teaching French, volunteering for the Mazamas and obsessing about music. He can be identified on the trail by his St. Louis Cardinals hat, a sign of his great love for the 2011 World Series Champions.