Synopses & Reviews
The Pacific Northwest is a veritable feast for foragers. The forests, meadows, streambanks, and even the weedy margins of neighborhoods are home to a surprising number of delicious wild edible plants. Douglas Deur, a lifetime Northwest forager, shares his insights and experiences, showing you what to look for, when and where to look, and how to gather in a responsible way.
Pacific Northwest Foraging is a hardworking guide packed with detailed information and clear photography for the safe identification of more than 120 wild plants. It also features a seasonal guide for foraging year-round and collecting tips for sustainable harvesting. It is applicable to Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southeast Alaska.
"Pacific Northwest Foraging may change the way you see the world." Pacific Northwest Magazine
About the Author
Based on the Oregon coast, Douglas Deur is a lifelong native plant user devoted to sharing information about the rich biological and cultural heritage of the Pacific Northwest. A research professor at Portland State University, he serves as cultural ecologist for American tribes and Canadian First Nations, and for the National Park Service and other agencies. With Nancy Turner, he coedited Keeping It Living, the first book-length treatment of Native American plant cultivation traditions in the Pacific Northwest.