Synopses & Reviews
This resource covers the working principles and latest advances in analytical instruments. You'll learn how to select and apply the correct instrument for analytical work and perform research yielding the most accurate results possible.
About the Author
R. S. Khandpur is the director general, Pushpa Gujral Science City. He is also a consultant to the World Health Organization and holds eight patents and has written more than 50 research papers.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Analytical InstrumentsChapter 2: Colorimeters and Spectrophotometers (Visible--Ultraviolet) Chapter 3: Infrared spectrophotometersChapter 4: Flame PhotometersChapter 5: Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometersChapter 6: Fluorimeters and PhosphorimetersChapter 7: Raman SpectrometerChapter 8: Photoacoustic and Photothermal SpectrometersChapter 9: Mass SpectrometerChapter 10: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectrometerChapter 11: Electron Spin Resonance SpectrometersChapter 12: Electron and Ion SpectrometersChapter 13: Radiochemical InstrumentsChapter 14: X-Ray SpectrometersChapter 15: Automated Chemical Analysis SystemsChapter 16: Gas ChromatographsChapter 17: Liquid ChromatographsChapter 18: Thermo-analytical InstrumentsChapter 19: Electrophoresis Apparatus and DensitometersChapter 20: Electrochemical InstrumentsChapter 21: pH Meters and Ion AnalyzersChapter 22: Blood Gas AnalyzersChapter 23: Industrial Gas AnalyzersChapter 24: Environmental Pollution Monitoring InstrumentsChapter 25: Electronic Devices and CircuitsChapter 26: Digital CircuitsChapter 27: Computer-Based Analytical InstrumentsINDEX