Synopses & Reviews
This volume chronicles the proceedings of the Third Symposium on Metallized Plastics: Fundamental and Applied Aspects held under the auspices of the Dielectric Science and Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society in Phoenix, Arizona, October 13-18, 1991. This series of symposia to address the subject of metallized plastics was initiated in 1988 and the premier symposium was held in Chicago, October 10-12, 1988, followed by the second event in Montreal, Canada, May 7-10, 1990. The rroceedings of these two symposia have been properly documented,2. The third symposium was a huge success like the previous two events, and all this is testimonial to the brisk interest and high tempo of R&D activity in the fie14 of metallized plastics. This further bolsters our earlier thinking that there was a conspicuous need to hold symposia on this topic on a regular basis and the fourth is planned for May 16-21, 1993 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The study of metallized plastics constitutes an important human endeavor l and as pointed out earlier there are myriad applications of metallized plastics ranging from very commonplace to exotic. Also a survey of the recent literature will reveal that both the fundamental and applied aspects of metallized plastics are being pursued with great vigor.
Metallization Techniques and Properties of Metal Deposits: PlasmaInduced Deposition of Copper Films (R. Padiyath et al.). Development of a Generic Method to Metallize Plastic (T.A. Reddy et al.). Investigation of Interfacial Interactions: Model Studies of the Interface between Metals and Polyimides (W.N. Unertl, R.G. Mack). Model Systems for the Cr/Polyimide Interface (A. Selmani et al.). Plastic Surface Modifications: A Study of Metallized Thermoplastic Films Following Gas Plasma Treatment (R.J. Mammone et al.). Aluminum Metallization of Polyimide Substrate (J.K. Lin, N.C. Saha). Adhesion Aspects of Metallized Plastics: Adhesion Enhancement Using Ion Processing (A.A. Galuska). The Influence of the Pretreatment on the Adhesion of Metallic Coatings on Plastics (D. Mann et al.). 20 additional articles. Index.