Synopses & Reviews
The world's most widely adopted safety code, the National Electrical Code (NEC) is now advancing electrical safety requirements with the 2008 edition in an effort to maximize public safety, emergency preparation, and electrical worker protection. With regulations for electrical wiring and equipment in virtually all types of buildings, this new edition responds to industry needs with expanded requirements based on research, new technologies, and recent events. A must-have for anyone involved in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety, this edition has been updated for enhanced usability in the field, making it ideal for handling on-the-job electrical situations safely and effectively. Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning is pleased to make this authoritative reference from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) available directly from us, for the convenience of our customers who work in and around the electrical trades. It may be used independently, or as a companion to any electrical book, including Delmar's best-selling wiring series, as well as our guides to using the NEC.
A must-have for anyone involved in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety, this edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) has been updated for enhanced usability in the field, making it ideal for handling on-the-job electrical situations safely and effectively.
For the first time, the 2008 edition of the National Electrical Code and the Significant Changes to the NEC - 2008 Edition are available in one comprehensive package. The National Electrical Code is the most widely recognized and accepted electrical standard in the world. Every three years the NEC is updated to reflect the newest installation practices utilized by the electrical industry, bringing about hundreds of changes to the code. However, these changes can be difficult to enforce and understand. The Significant Changes to the NEC - 2008 Edition is the perfect companion since it aims to identify and analyze those changes in a way that cuts through the maze of jargon to hone in on key updates that will affect electrical installations. The special two-book set is a must-have for anyone involved in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety since both editions have been updated for enhanced usability in the field, making them ideal for handling on-the-job electrical situations safely and effectively.
Safe, efficient, code-compliant electrical installations are made simple with the latest publication of this widely popular resource. Like its highly successful previous editions, the National Electrical Code? 2011 softcover version combines solid, thorough, research-based content with the tools you need to build an in-depth understanding of the most important topics. New to the 2011 edition are articles including first-time Article 399 on Outdoor, Overhead Conductors with over 600 volts, first-time Article 694 on Small Wind Electric Systems, first-time Article 840 on Premises Powered Broadband Communications Systems, and more. The National Electrical Code? is adopted in all 50 states, and is an essential reference for those in or entering careers in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety.
The #1 electrical reference, the 2005 National Electrical Code?, is available through today's #1 electrical publisher, Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning! The single most important reference in the electrical industry, the National Electrical Code (NEC?), is updated every three years and outlines minimum standards for all types of electrical installations. The 2005 NEC?, available in softcover or looseleaf version, is loaded with solutions designed to provide better safeguards, add greater usability, and bring provisions in line with technology trends. A ?must? for anyone involved in electrical design, installation, or inspection, the 2005 NEC? provides 100% of the information needed to meet Code? and avoid costly errors in electrical installations of all types. Delmar is pleased to make this authoritative reference from the NFPA available directly from us, for the convenience of our customers who work in and around the electrical trades. It may be used independently or as a companion to any electrical book, including Delmar?s best-selling wiring series as well as our guides to using the NEC?.
About the Author
National Fire Protection Association is a provider of fire, electrical, and building safety products and information.
Table of Contents
General. Wiring and Protection. Wiring Methods and Materials. Equipment for General Use. Special Occupancies. Special Equipment. Special Conditions. Communications Systems. Tables.