Synopses & Reviews
Through essays by noted lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBTQI) religion scholars, this important compilation summarizes the history and current status of LGBTQI theology, exploring its relationship to the policies, practices, and theology of traditional Christianity. Contributors contrast the "radically inclusive" thinking of LGBTQI theology with the "exclusivity" practiced by many Christian churches, explaining the reasoning of each and clarifying contentious issues. At the same time, the book highlights ways in which "queer" theology and practice benefit Christian congregations.
Writing from the perspective of grassroots Christian LGBTQI movements, many of the contributors draw upon their own experiences. They provide graphic examples of the effects exclusion has on individuals, congregations, and denominations, and also share examples of inclusion and its effects. Equally important, the work creates the basis for dialogue between traditional churches and followers of LGBTQI theology, offering practical suggestions for Christian congregations that wish to put aside exclusionary policies and practices.
"This vibrant, playful, inquisitive collection makes clear that queer Christian theologies concern not just sexuality and gender but also liturgy, pastoral care, ecology, and other aspects of Christian life. The contributors' passionate belief in practicing faith in community means that they speak with a range of distinct voices, united by a characteristically MCC-flavoured commitment to truth-telling, openness, justice and love. The volume will stimulate conversations among Christians and other people of faith about how best to live queerly faithful (and faithfully queer) lives for years to come. " < p="">Susannah Cornwall, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Lincoln Theological Institute, University of Manchester, UK <>
"A splendid and courageous volume, offering both astute theological insights and practical pastoral advice. Not just for queers, but also for affirming congregations and straight Christians, who want to taste the promise of the open and inclusive table." < p="">Kwok Pui-lan, William F. Cole Professor of Christian Theology and Spirituality, Episcopal Divinity School <>
"Welcome to a feast with open doors, to the extravagant potluck of queer theology no longer barred from the table! Here is theology boldly, jubilantly in progress—making new words to decribe, to celebrate, and to carry on what God has been doing where God wasn't even supposed to be." < p="">Mark D. Jordan, Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, Washington University <>
A fascinating read for anyone seeking to understand the conflict between Christianity and LGBTQI individuals, this book is, as its editors proclaim, "a fearlessly wide vision of queer Christians finding a place within Christianity—and claiming their authentic experience and voice."
• Explains the variety of policies Christian churches currently have with regard to LGBTQI persons
• Presents the LGBTQI interpretation of the Christian gospel—that everyone is unconditionally welcome at God's table
• Offers examples of Christian churches that are opening their doors to all, including LGBTQI individuals
• Shows how the participation of LGBTQI men and women and "queer theology" in general can renew and enrich the life of a Christian parish