Synopses & Reviews
GET D!RTYNext time youand#8217;re traveling or just chattinand#8217; in German with your friends, drop the textbook formality and bust out with expressions they never teach you in school, including:
and#149;Cool slang
and#149;Funny insults
and#149;Explicit sex terms
and#149;Raw swear words
Dirty German teaches the casual expressions heard every day on the streets of Germany:
and#149;What's up?
Wie geht's?
and#149;I'm smashed.
Ich bin total angeschickert.
and#149;Fuckin' Munich fans.
Scheiand#223; Mand#252;nchen Fans.
and#149;That shit reeks.
Das riecht aber and#252;bel.
and#149;I wanna shag ass.
Ich will abhauen.
and#149;What a complete asshole.
Was fand#252;r ein Arschloch.
and#149;Dude, you're built like Arnold!
Mensch, du bist der Arnie!
Dirty German provides enough insults and swear words to offend every person in Germany without even mentioning that the Japanese make better cars as well as explicit sex terminology graphic enough to embarrass the women of Hamburg's infamous red light district. Also included is a section on native banter that can help readers make friends over a pitcher of beer and convince the local bratwurst vendor that they actually like sauerkraut.
GET D RTYNext time you re traveling or just chattin in German with your friends, drop the textbook formality and bust out with expressions they never teach you in school, including:
Cool slang
Funny insults
Explicit sex terms
Raw swear words Dirty German teaches the casual expressions heard every day on the streets of Germany:
What's up?
Wie geht's?
I'm smashed.
Ich bin total angeschickert.
Fuckin' Munich fans.
Scheiss Munchen Fans.
That shit reeks.
Das riecht aber ubel.
I wanna shag ass.
Ich will abhauen.
What a complete asshole.
Was fur ein Arschloch.
Dude, you're built like Arnold
Mensch, du bist der Arnie
About the Author
Daniel Chaffey holds an MA degree in German Studies. He also taught and studied in Germany as a Fulbright Teaching Associate and bartender. He lives in San Francisco, CA.